
Who Are We?

Makoce Ikikcupi, meaning Land Recovery, is a project of Reparative Justice on Dakota land in Minisota Makoce (Minnesota). The Makoce Ikikcupi project seeks to bring some of our relatives home, re-establish our spiritual and physical relationship with our homeland, and ensure the ongoing existence of our People.  Our cultural survival depends on it.

Why Do We Matter?

Dakota people were systematically dispossessed of our homeland and we currently reside on about .01 % (about one-hundredth of one percent) of our original land base within the borders of what is now the State of Minnesota. Our work is a positive action to help repair the most fundamental harm of settler-colonialism–Indigenous disconnection from the land.

Our Villages

As of December 2022, Makoce Ikikcupi now has two villages. Our first, Zani Otunwe (Village of Wellness) is a 21-acre parcel is located in Granite Falls, Minnesota along the beautiful Minnesota River Valley. Our second, Hohwoju Otunwe (Village of Vibrant Growth) is an approximately 20-acre parcel in Mountain Lake, Minnesota.

Our Contributors

Each contribution demonstrates a personal commitment to reparative justice. Thank you to our contributors for helping to make this dream a reality. Wopida unkenic’iyapi! We give you thanks!

Who We Are

All together we combine experience in language revitalization, plant knowledge, food sovereignty, star knowledge, decolonization practices, political activism, natural building, and sustainable living, to guide Makoce Ikikcupi.

Latest News

Volunteer tree planting

On May 6th, 12 volunteers from the Mountain Lake Repair Community were joined by 10 student volunteers from St. Olaf College (Northfield, MN). They planted over 200 fruit and nut trees at Hohwozu Otunwe (Village of Vibrant Growth). The students learned about Makoce Ikikcupi in a class where our executive director, Waziyatawin, did a Zoom presentation.…

Logo design by Jeremy Fields